Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014


Di sebuah toko perhiasan, seorang pembeli dan penjual sedang terlibat tawar menawar sebuah kalung mutiara yang cukup indah, dan kelihatannya termasuk salah satu koleksi unggulan dari toko tersebut. Setelah tawar menawar beberapa saat, si pembeli akhirnya memutuskan untuk keluar dari toko itu, karena dianggapnya harga barang tersebut mahal.
Selang beberapa menit kemudian, ada pembeli lain yang masuk, dan kemudian mengamati kalung mutiara yang tadi. Dia kemudian mencoba sejenak di lehernya, dan setelah dirasa cocok, tanpa tawar menawar langsung dibayarnya barang tersebut dan keluar.
Apa yang menarik dari kedua kejadian tadi ?
Barang yang sama, tapi dipersepsikan berbeda oleh dua orang.
Tentu, yang membedakan persepsi keduanya adalah uang yang dimiliki
oleh masing-masing orang. Semakin banyak uang yang anda miliki, tentu
semakin murah harga barang tersebut dimata anda.
Saya tertarik untuk membahas justru dari sisi orang pertama. Apa yang kira-kira dilakukan oleh orang tadi setelah gagal menawar barang tersebut ? Bila dia memang serius ingin membeli barang tersebut, mungkin dia akan mulai
masuk ke toko-toko lain, mencari-cari yang lebih murah. Bila setelah `berjuang' keliling kota dan tidak juga menemukan barang yang harganya sesuai dengan isi kantongnya, mungkin dia mencoba mencari di tempat lain, atau mungkin juga mengurungkan niat untuk membelinya.
Fokus dari orang pertama ini adalah lebih kepada jumlah uang yang dia miliki, dibanding dengan nilai dari barang tersebut bagi dirinya. Jika merujuk kepada teori RichDad-nya Kiyosaki, dikatakan disana bahwa orang rata-rata melihat dari seberapa besar pendapatannya, lalu menekan pengeluarannya, sedang orang sukses melihat dari sisi pengeluarannya, lalu meningkatkan pendapatannya. Dalam lingkup kehidupan, bukankah sebagian besar dari kita juga memiliki sikap seperti orang pertama itu ?
Saat kita menghadapi masalah, kita selalu mengeluh mengapa kita yang `kecil' ini mendapat masalah seberat itu. James Gwee dalam Ultimate Power Motivation seminarnya mengatakan, bahwa yang menjadi pokok persoalan bukan besar kecilnya masalah, tapi besar kecilnya value anda. Begitu value anda ditingkatkan, maka masalah tersebut akan menjadi kecil di mata anda. Bukankah anda saat ini sudah sangat mahir makan dengan sendok dan garpu, suatu hal yang menjadi masalah besar saat anda berusia dua tahun ?       Sayangnya, di dunia di mana kita tinggal ini, tidak semua orang mau berusaha untuk meningkatkan value di dalam diri mereka. Daripada berusaha capek-capek meningkatkan value, mereka lebih memilih
untuk `menetapkan standard' mereka sendiri terhadap dunia ini.
Sebagai contoh, ada dari mereka yang mungkin berkata ,"Karena
kemampuan bahasa Inggris saya jelek, saya jadi tidak tertarik membaca
buku bahasa Inggris. Kalau ada terjemahannya, mungkin saya mau baca".
Standard bahasa Inggris mereka sudah dipatok di nilai tertentu, dan
daripada meningkatkan value standardnya, mereka lebih memilih buku
terjemahan yang `lebih sesuai' dengan standard mereka. Di sisi lain,
ada juga mereka yang berusaha `meningkatkan value' standard mereka
dengan memaksa diri membaca buku bahasa Inggris sambil membuka-buka
Tidak ada yang salah dengan pilihan anda, apakah mau mematok standard atau meningkatkan standard value anda. Ini semua hanyalah pilihan anda pribadi dalam hidup. Hanya saja, apabila anda mematok standard anda di satu titik tertentu, jangan mengeluh terhadap kerasnya kehidupan dan masalah yang datang kepada anda. Ingat, bukan besar kecilnya masalah yang menjadi pokok dalam kehidupan ini, tapi besar kecilnya value anda. Dan ada satu prinsip yang luar biasa yang dikatakan oleh Andrie Wongso tentang hal ini, "kalau anda keras terhadap diri anda, maka kehidupan akan lunak kepada anda. Sebaliknya apabila anda lunak kepada diri anda, maka kehidupan akan keras kepada anda". Jadi, lakukan pilihan yang terbaik, dan dapatkan hasilnya.
(Compiled by Zidna Humaam Kurnia)

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Weve Style, Kalo tattooed?

Who are we? This question is common and may be simple, but it is quite difficult to answer. If we could already be honest with ourselves, believe that we can also deh honest with others and to understand the perspective of others. Recognize ourselves is important. Lest we not forget ourselves. So do not feel embarrassed or feel arrogant. Knowing ourselves is part of our love should be fostered and suburkan. Keeps us more love and affection to myself.
Bro Sis en rahimakumullah, gaulislam loyal readers, may we begin to learn about ourselves from our bodies. Our eyes, for example. Yes, we have eyes (you have eyes too right?). This is similar to a pair of objects and the camera lens is placed at the head of the front face also complete the term. So like lights that can illuminate our path freely and maximum. Imagine if the eye is placed in the organ of our work such as the hands and feet, might be damaged tuh fit our work. Probably have an idea of ​​'crazy' to think, "Ah, if the eye if the index finger is in our hands seems nice ya, if peeking at the public baths do not have to fatigue nyari ladder, raise living index aja kayak submarine periscope." Hmm ... weve cursory fun. But he forgot, how about finally using that index tuh ngupil? Or for example, should be using that nyocol sauce? Can be covered in dirt and the pain was adversely wallow upil and sauce. Anyway, goofing others who opened sinful nakedness know. Pledge! (Nah, this writing it bener you know, not like a child wrote it alay "cumpah" hehehe ...) * learn to talk again tuh tell. It's been like a big boy is 2 years.
Anyway, in addition to the eye which is the senses to see, we are placed at the head of the other senses as well: ear (sense of hearing), nose (smell), tongue (taste, to savor flavors). All were created by God in the form of a beautiful, fitting and pleasing to the eye.
There may be a silver lining if the ears are also times huh tuh placed at right and left sides of our heads. It is also perhaps later inspired the making glasses. As the hook frame glasses. Nose prints the same sweetness as well as Allah. tuh lock down position. Hmm .. how it would happen if the nostrils facing up. How much trouble if it rained while we did not bring an umbrella. And we also do not get nominated if tuh ditaronya tongue outside the mouth. How would happen because it will feel so much flavor. Allah SWT. has created our bodies and organs to the best and beautiful as possible. Subhanallah, and frequently do good deeds and be grateful for this gift.
Well, next the skin senses-not just in the head, but in all parts of the body outside of us is the sense of touch. We can feel whatever we hold or touch. Leather hand we can feel rough and smooth objects, or our skin can feel the cold, heat, and other friction that touches the skin.
If we wrote of the senses already know us, then sure we will take care of him. We will use it according to our needs. We keep it filled with love. That's why, if we already know our bodies, then we would not dare spoil it if we love our bodies. Yes nope? * Answer honestly yes.

Tattoos: evidence of false love us
If size style, weve probably just wear tattoos. Like the fabric, the way tuh dibatik body tattooed. Of course, in order to make a durable ink and tattoo pictures tetep good, should be drawn under the skin. Let not kehapus so aja. Actions that damaged this by torturing and hurting bodies, by jabbing needles on the body's tattooed.
Anyway, tattoos are now not always synonymous with thugs. Because there is also now a slogan that's that tattoo is not a criminal (weve not criminal in the sight of men, but innocent before Allah.). People who we think might be a good kayak student, football player, businessman, or artist and model were also many who wear tattoos. Indonesia recorded a number of artists who have tattoos include Becky Tumewu, Ficky ​​Burki, Karenina and others. Even Karenia, claimed to love the tattoo at the age of 12 years. He ngakunya happy aja. So do not be surprised if he has three permanent tattoo dragon motifs, flowers, and a cross on the arms, hips, and back. In addition to concern, complete tattoo style dress. Hadeeeuh ...
Bro Sis en gaulislam loyal readers, not to mention the celebrity gridiron. Average football players that I have seen on television or playing football at a special news about life off the field. You know Marco Materazzi? Already-aki aki and not invited to play in the Italian national team again I think now mah. Well, the Italian defender who was gored fit Zinedine Zidane 2006 World Cup finals in Germany, had a tattoo on his arm in the form of date-month-year of his birth in Roman numerals. Not to mention David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo and celebrity gridiron, including the Diego Michels. If so many musicians dah. Once I was happy ama era Metallica in the 1990's, some of the personnel that I know it tattooed. Anything else does not? Oops, I guess not enough to write in this bulletin deh. So much. Both local and foreign musicians, please inspected wrote parts of his body, it looks like a lot of what makes the tattoo as a way of life for the sake of freedom of expression.
But, what the hell yes for joy and then we forget the dangers trend tattoo themselves for us? Damage to our bodies by way of tattooed (including pierced or pearching), it can invite disease. One of them could didatengi HIV virus. Hiiiiy!
Use tools puncture through the skin, such as a piercing, tattoos, and facial face believed by the research could help HIV transmission. If it tusuknya tool (needles) seteril not, for example, ex-tattooed people already infected with HIV, and hold no more fitting tattoo dibersihin another person, then that person can be tattooed after contracting HIV. See, it's called not in love with yourself. Ama do not love your own body. That is why, people are tattooed or pierced ears, eyebrows, nose and so it's actually a fake that love is love.
Not to mention that as Muslims we can sin if you know tattoo or tattoos. Word of the Prophet. "Prophet. cursed women who tattooed and have a tattoo, and that filing a request filed teeth and teeth. "(HR Thabarani)
According to the book of Shaykh Yusuf Qardhawai Halal-Haram in Islam, "If there are men who do so, he will be entitled to curse."
Well, you know. According to the scholars, his opponent blessing therein. If baraka is increasing goodness. But if evil curse means more and it could have continued. Na'udzubillahi min forbid!

Wake up!
En Bro Sis 'enthusiast' gaulislam. Horrified deh kalo to do with violations of the Law. Weve tasty and cool style called the tattoo? Many Muslim youth really cool and accomplished without tattoos. If want to be the center of attention, not the things that are wrong or immoral. Can really be the center of attention with positive things and inspire. Try the danger really want to known if his intention but in a strange and destructive. For example, well-known for-pardon-ngencingin Zamzam well. Waduuuuh's famous famous, but famous ugly and could disumpahin all Muslims in the world. Danger!
Compare ya with the scholars known for their knowledge. Who does not know the Imam Shafi'i? Who could have been the famous names of the Companions of the Prophet. dubbed the Khulafa 'ar-Rashidun? Subhanallah, they are all well-known in his favor. The 'do we want known in infamy? Not really! Hence, studying Islam ya let you add more cautious and clever. Awesome!
So, from now on, those who are still conscious and tattooed immediately stop the habit of tattooing themselves. If the tattoo can be removed, remove aja dah tattoo. If not can it be? Imam an-Nawawi rahimahullah, said: "... If it may be removed by the treatment it shall be removed. If it is not possible unless the harm which was concerned with the risk of losing limbs, or lose the benefit of the members of that body, or something worse happens limb looks of it, it is not mandatory to eliminate them. And if he repent innocent. But if he does not worry about something that is earlier or something then he should be removed. And he is considered adulterous by delay. Same thing in this case all, both men and women. "(Sharh Sahih Muslim, 14/332. Quoted this saying is also approved in the book 'Aunul Ma'bud, 11/225, and Nailul Authar, 6/228) * quote the opinion of Imam an-Nawawi was published in asysyariah.com
So, if weve love with our bodies, which is already given amanahnya by Allah. for our case, it is not until we have a good body ya faulty mentatonya too piercing. In addition to the danger for us, it is also going to be held accountable by Allah. Therefore, it includes acts that invite sin. Hmm ... hopefully this article so it adds insight you. Let's honestly tell you love yourself, one way not to damage our bodies by way mentatonya. Okay? I hope you realize

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

received news of the world from all sources

received news of the world from all sources
You must know the life-changing discovery on the World But Do you know who the inventor who could change lives in the World Maya!
Perhaps the person below you Never Knew But It Is That info could make us understand that such a large influence on the world Mayan World Real Life.
1. Larry Page (36 years / U.S.) and Sergey Brin (35 years / U.S.)

Both Google released on 4 September 1998. At that time, they were only 25 years old and 24 years old. "The Office" is their first garage.Google, a search engine that can display any type of information, like many people - especially the students. So, in just a few short years, Google can develop very rapidly and profit billions of U.S. dollars. Now, I could be called the number one search engine in the world.The success story of Larry Page and Sergey Brin in creating and developing Google has been an inspiration to many young people in this world, especially information technology enthusiasts. They hope to create a new program that is useful for the world community and financially advantageous.
2. Mark Zuckerberg (now 25 years old / from the U.S.)
When creating the social networking site Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg was 19 years old. He makes up to help build a social network for teens on the campus at the time, Harvard University, USA.Now, Facebook is the second largest social networking site after MySpace. Under the leadership of the inventor, the site continues to grow day by day. Millions of new users continue to register every month!
3. Jimmy Donal Wales (now 43 years / U.S.)
Jimmy Wales (40 years old) who is better known as the name of Jimbo, onefounder of Online-Lexicon Wikipedia. Is currently preparing software search engine (search engines) to compete with Google and Yahoo.Wikipedia was founded by Jimmy Wales in 2001 with initial capital of about U.S. $ 500,000 were expelled from their own personal pockets. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that can be read and edited by anyone. Its content was written by its visitors as well www.kabarindonesia.com online newspaper edited by the readers themselves in accordance with its motto: From us to us.
4. Steve Shih Chen (31 years / Taiwan-US), Jawed Karim (30 years / Germany-USA), Chad Hurley (32 years / U.S.)
All three are the creators of the online video sharing site, YouTube. They founded YouTube in 2005. At that time, the 28-year-old Chad and Steve 27 years.In October 2006, YouTube was acquired (taken over ownership) by Google. Value: 1.65 billion U.S. dollars (Rp16, 9 trillion).

5. Jerry Yang (40 Years / Taiwan-US) and David Filo (42 years / U.S.)
In 1995, two men find Yahoo!, the site of the second largest search engine after Google. At that time, 26-year-old Jerry and Filo 28 years.Last year, the giant company Microsoft had wanted to buy Yahoo!. Discussed the value of the bid: U.S. $ 44.6 billion (Rp458, 8 trillion). This plan was canceled. After that, Microsoft and Yahoo! can not dismiss the possibility of cooperation in the future.
6. Matt Mullenweg (25 years / U.S.)
Matt Mullenweg is the creator of the free blog provider WordPress site. He was 19 years old when he started creating embryo bakalnya.WordPress became famous in no time. The reason, the site is easy to use and always updated. Until 2008, there were 230 million fixed access of 6.5 billion WordPress pages that can be seen. Then, there are 35 million new posts in addition to an average of four million posts each month.Matt, who had come to Jakarta in January 2009, said he would not sell to a large company with WordPress prices 'exorbitant'. He also said, do not make a profit from WordPress. The advantage he had got from several companies, it has.
7. Tom Anderson (38 years old / United States)
MySpace Tom Anderson released in August 2003. There kesimpang maze of data on age at the time, but many sources mention Tom aged less than 30 years when creating MySpace.Today, MySpace is one of the biggest social networking site in the world, competing with Facebook. MySpace has been used for more than 100 million people, with most users coming from the United States.Excess MySpace lies in the field of music. When the latest music facilities (ie "audio streaming" free) launched on 25 September 2008, just a few days, there are billions of songs are heard by its users. This advantage makes many people think that MySpace could affect the music industry on the Internet.
8. Blake Aaron Ross (23 years / U.S.)
Blake Ross is a young genius who created Mozilla, internet explorer facility. Mozilla launched to the public in November 2004. At the time, Blake was just 19 years old!Then be combined with Mozilla Firefox, a program created with Dave Hyatt. Then, after that, his name became Mozilla Firefox.Quickly, Mozilla Firefox received by Internet users in the world. He is, among other things, considered more secure and easy to use (compared with its competitors). He also considered able to grab some market facilities internet explorer, which has been dominated by Microsoft's Internet Explorer.Many people praised the success of Blake Ross. Mozilla Foundation engineering director, Chris Hoffman, said, In the world of 'Open Source', the position of a person depending on his skills. And Blake Ross has all the expertise needed.
9. Andrew Dervish (30 years / Indonesia)
If this one do not know what genius deh dont .. What is clear for newbie friends certainly not no objections. Andrew Yupz Dervish is worth entering the part that change your world. Founder of Indonesia's largest forum is a godfather in cyberspace.Born on 20 July 1979, a figure that is often called Mimin (admin) or momod (moderator) by this newbie Kaskus established on the basis of "Freedom of Speech" (FOS). Because FOS is a right of every person. And not a single person in the world who has the right to prohibit the voice and opinion.